Serene Touch Center

Meditation Classses, Life Coaching, Workshops, and Energy Healing

Reiki Energy Therapy

Reiki is a safe gentle non-invasive holistic energy therapy based on the scientific principle that everything in the universe is made of energy.

What can Reiki do for me?

Reiki balances a person's systems which stengthens their ability to heal. Reiki treats mind, body and spirit. Reiki reduces stress, relieves or reduces pain and promotes deep relaxation. It also strengthens existing well being, can benefit anyone and assists in conventional health care to enhance a patient's recovery.

How is a Reiki treatment given?

The practitioner channels the energy from the universe into the client by lightly touching the head, torso and extremities, front and back. The client remains fully clothed except for shoes.

Why do I need Reiki?

If the body is depleted though stress, anxiety, or illness, or if the energy is stuck somewhere in our body though physical and emotional trauma, these conditions can lead to fatigue and serious illness. Reiki strenthens the body's healing systems.

Reiki Energy Healing
$70.00 for one hour session ; $40.00 for 30 minutes



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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